Misplaced Gallery was founded in 2021 and focuses on contemporary art. The gallery's emphasis is on presenting exhibited art in an unconventional manner and showcases the artworks exclusively to select circles, as the viewer is intended to become an active part of the artwork and thus take on its trajectory. Additionally, the gallery serves as a sales portal for the current works by the anonymous artist Ari Lee, which have emerged between 2020 and 2023 and have found their way into the public sphere. The gallery's goal is to provide artists with a platform that extends beyond the walls of the gallery space, making art accessible to a broader audience.

Ari Lee

Ari Lee is a contemporary artist who has made a name for himself primarily through the simplified portrayal of art figures, successfully directing full focus on the art itself through the artist's anonymity. As a result, neither the person behind it, the gender, skin color, country of origin, nor social circumstances are intended to influence the artworks.